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All products available in bulker bag, one tonne or one cubic metre. 

River Pebble 7-10 & 20mm



River pebbles are earthy coloured stones in shades of beige, brown and grey. They are a smooth rounded pebble that is great for ponds and features, paths and drive ways and creates a striking contrast to plant foliage.

River Pebble 40mm



These River pebbles are graded to 40mm size to help create the ideal look for your feature beds, garden beds, ponds and path ways. They are an earthy coloured stones in several shades of beige, brown and grey.


Lucky Stone



Lucky stones are a large round river gravel and are perfect for use in and around your ponds and water features because of the amazing colours. They look beautiful wet or dry. They also make fantastic rock gardens.


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Decomposed Granite Gold



Deco Gold Gravel is a great solution for your paths, driveways & entertainment areas. It is practical for both private & commercial applications & can be cheaper than concrete if you are laying a big area.

Wauchope White



White blend volcanic rock. Decorative for pots, gardens, driveways for pathways.


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Cowra White 20mm


Decorative round stone. Commonly used for pots, gardens, driveways and pathways.

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